Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Side Effects Of Breast Enhancement Pills

Side Effects of Breast Enhancement Pills

While a bottle of breast enhancement pills may seem like a cheap and easy way to a bigger bust, these pills could cost you in the end. Before taking these largely untested medications, consult this list to see if they're the best choice for a better body.

The First Effect

The primary effect of breast enhancement pills is a lighter wallet...and little else. Breast growth pills simply don't work, and are by and large a scam.

Estrogen-Like Ingredients

Depending on what the pills contain, there could be side effects from herbs or natural ingredients that are similar to estrogen. Of course, it's best to take hormones, real or otherwise, under a doctor's care. Without that, there's a risk of adverse effect.

Odds Are, the Pills Are Empty

An article on Science Daily quotes Thomas Lawrence, MD, Chair of the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF) Device and Technique Assessment Committee: "There are upward of 30 different herbal products advertised widely on television, in magazines and on the Internet alleging to enhance the size of women's breasts; however, there have been no scientifically sound clinical trials proving they work."

Natural Means Nothing

A natural breast enhancement supplement isn't necessarily better for you, and it could actually be worse. There's always the possibility of allergies when taking natural products, and many of these pills haven't been tested or certified by the Food and Drug Administration.

Messing With Your Prescription Meds

Several breast enhancement pill ingredients interfere with the effectiveness of prescription medications. "For example, chaste-tree berry, which has been used to treat female reproductive problems since ancient times in Greece, contains active ingredients that may interfere with birth control pills. Black cohosh may increase the toxicity of anticancer drugs. Fenugreek contains elements that can interfere with medications designed to stop blood clotting and regulate diabetes," states Science Daily.

Tags: interfere with, breast enhancement, breast enhancement, Breast Enhancement Pills, Effects Breast, Effects Breast Enhancement, Enhancement Pills