Friday, September 3, 2010

Make Real Looking Breast Forms

Homemade breast forms give the appearance of cleavage.

Whether you're making a costume, enhancing your appearance or balancing the effects of a mastectomy, making homemade breast forms proves easy to do at home. You only need a few basic materials to make breast forms that are cheaper than expensive commercial pads and falsies. Making your own gives you the ability to fill out some of your favorite outfits with ease.



1. Place your bra, front side down on the sheet of tracing paper. Trace the cups with the marker.

2. Cut out the traced cups from the paper.

3. Place the traced paper cups over a sheet of satin fabric. Cut four pieces of fabric matching the cutouts.

4. Place one of the fabric cutouts down flat in front of you. Layer about an inch of batting over the fabric. Batting is commonly used in quilting and can be found at fabric stores.

5. Squeeze a thin line of glue along the edges of the satin cutout. Use glue that can survive being washed, if possible. If you know sew, you could place the right sides of two cutouts together with one batting cutout on the outside of one of the forms and pin to hold it together while you sew. Sew 1/2 inch from the edge around the form, leaving a space large enough to turn the form inside out. Slipstitch seam to close. Repeat with the other two cutouts. If you choose this method, you may want to add an extra half inch around the form to allow for the seam width.

6. Press a second cutout over the first, encasing the cotton batting. Press the edges together to adhere them.

7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 with the other two satin cutouts to create homemade breast forms.

8. Insert the breast forms into your bra to enhance the look of your bust.

Tags: breast forms, around form, homemade breast, homemade breast forms, with other