Thursday, September 2, 2010

Different Types Of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery. There are a number of different techniques and methods that different surgeons use to achieve a variety of results.


The first recorded breast augmentation surgery took place in Germany in 1865. In the operation, fatty tissue from a benign tumor was implanted in a woman's breasts. Doctors soon moved on to injecting industrial silicone in women's breasts, which led to complications so severe they sometimes required mastectomies.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are the only variety of implant for breast augmentation surgeries approved for use in the United States at this time. They were developed as a result of concerns over the safety of silicone implants and in general are less intrusive to implant. In spite of this, silicone is still considered to be superior as saline implants often cause rippling or a "bottomed out" appearance.

Silicone Implants

Silicone is the most popular kind of implant used in breast augmentation surgeries around the world. Their use was restricted in the United States in 1992 over health concerns, and currently the company that manufactures the implants is awaiting an FDA investigation.

Fat Micrografting

Occasionally, patients may undergo liposuction to remove fat from one or more body parts and inject that fat into the breasts to increase their size. The effects of this type of breast augmentation are varied and the effects typically fade a bit after the first few weeks.

Incision Types

In an effort to lessen the appearance of scars, a number of different incision techniques have been developed, which include peri-areolar (under nipple), inframammary fold (under the breast), transaxillary (arm pit), and TUBA (via the belly button). In many cases, the use of these techniques comes down to surgeon/patient preference or other factors such as breast shape.

Tags: breast augmentation, augmentation surgeries, breast augmentation surgeries, most popular, number different