Thursday, November 3, 2011

Help For Lowincome Women

Low-income women have an enormous amount of strain, both financially and emotionally. They are often responsible for themselves and the welfare of their children, and their earning potential is often lower than a man's in similar difficult circumstances because they are unable to do the same strenuous physical labor and because they have child-care considerations.

Make Use of Public Resources

Most libraries offer free Internet access for a certain number of hours each day to their patrons. Find out what this amount of hours is and make wise use of it. Once you have a little money accrued, you are better off spending it on a laptop with wireless Internet reception so that you can continue using these free resources than you are on spending money in getting service installed in your home. Many public locations offer unlimited access to free Wi-Fi, and many of the resources you need to access are online.

Make Money Using Your Talents

You can make money all over the Internet by doing legitimate work, if you know where to look. Writing skills, photography, even basic odd jobs can be found safely online. Check out the resources below for some suggestions.

Social Services

The government offers many of the programs that help low-income women and families get back on their feet. Welfare programs, government-subsidized insurance, WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), food stamps and more are all offered through this government agency. Contact your local Social Security office to discover what programs you qualify for to get the assistance you need.

Arrange for Co-Ops

You can make cooperative arrangements with other women in similar circumstances for any number of goods or services. Take child care as an example. If four or five mothers work out shifts in which two or three women care for the group's children while the other two or three women are working, then all the women have access to free child care while they are able to work their own regular shifts. Similar arrangements can be made for trading around children's clothing and toys, women's clothing, and more.

Tags: access free, because they, child care, three women, women have