Monday, November 21, 2011

Salary Of An Xray Technician In Radiology

Radiologic techs earn varying salaries based on location and industry.

In radiology, diagnostic imaging examinations such as X-rays and CT scans are performed by radiologic technicians. Licensing and training is required, though the specifics vary from state to state, as do the salaries. Other factors that affect the salary of an X-ray technician in radiology include the type of clinic or facility in which they work and their level of experience.

Salary Information

On average, radiology X-ray techs earn $54,180 per year in the U.S. as of May 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The salary scale ranges from $35,700 to $75,440, with the median salary at $53,240. Technicians in the 25th percentile earn $43,510 annually, while those in the 75th percentile earn $64,070.

Common Industries

X-ray technicians in radiology are most frequently found in hospitals and clinics, though a fair amount are employed by the federal executive branch for an annual salary of $56,140. In hospitals, the salary is $54,770, while in the offices of physicians, the average is $50,860. Radiologic techs in medical and diagnostic laboratories earn above the average salary at $57,250, and those working in outpatient care centers earn below the average at $52,950.

High Salaries

While employment levels in other industries might not be as high for X-ray technicians in radiology, the salaries may be well worth it. In speciality hospitals, the average salary for these techs is $58,320. In the industries of office administrative services and employment services, radiologic techs earn $58,360 and $59,620 per year respectively. Those working in management, scientific and technical consulting services earn still higher at $61,970, while the highest salary average is in the industry of scientific research and development services at $64,800 annually.

Salary by State

X-ray technicians earn different wages in different states, largely due to demand and cost of living. The five states with the highest concentration of radiologic techs are West Virginia, South Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee and Rhode Island, with salary averages ranging from $41,400 to $48,960 for the first four and $60,840 for Rhode Island. Massachusetts, Nevada, Maryland, Hawaii and Washington D.C. are the five highest paying states for X-ray techs, with salary averages ranging from $63,270 to $68,530.

Tags: techs earn, X-ray technicians, average salary, averages ranging, averages ranging from