Friday, June 1, 2012

Job Duties For A Doctor

Doctors can specialize in medical conditions or body parts.

Physicians work to prevent diseases and cure medical problems. The job requires at least four years of college, four years of medical school and an internship of three to eight years. Doctors often work long hours in exchange for a high salary. The complexity of medicine has broken the profession into several specialties.

General Practitioner

A general practitioner or family physician is often the first point of contact for most patients and usually works in private practice. He may have seen the patients regularly for many years and be familiar with their medical histories. He diagnoses and treats many medical conditions, from colds to infections to broken bones. He performs physicals, suggests preventive care and prescribes diagnostic tests and medication. He refers serious problems to specialists.


A surgeon treats internal medical conditions through operations that involve other medical professionals such as anesthesiologists and nurses. She can remove tumors, correct heart issues or repair ill-functioning organs and bones. She can specialize in a body part, such as the heart, or perform a specific type of surgery, such as plastic surgery. She often works for hospitals or other large institutions that can afford surgical equipment.


An anesthesiologist takes care of a patient during surgery by ensuring pain relief. He applies anesthesia and monitors body functions such as breathing and heart rate to ensure that the patient remains healthy during a procedure. After the operation, he may consult with patients to ensure that they are healing correctly or to prescribe treatment strategies if patients are experiencing post-operative pain.


A pediatrician treats children and young adults and can track her patients’ development from birth to adulthood. She diagnoses common childhood conditions such as the flu or measles and vaccinates her patients against infectious diseases. She may specialize in surgery or specific conditions such as autoimmune disorders. Pediatricians can work for schools and school districts or in private practice.


An OB/GYN deals with women’s health, especially during pregnancy and childbirth. He performs many of the same duties and treatments as other doctors but specializes in women’s anatomy, such as the reproductive system. He performs regular tests such as Pap smears and breast examinations on female patients.


Psychiatrists specialize in mental conditions and provide therapy for patients as well as medication and hospitalization. They help patient explore patterns of behavior and past histories, one on one or in group and family settings. The treatment usually occurs at least once a week for several weeks or longer.

Tags: medical conditions, conditions such, ensure that, four years, private practice