Monday, June 25, 2012

What Types Of Companies Use Mainframe Computers

Mainframe computers are used in banks.

Mainframes are large computers designed to handle great volumes of complex data and process bulk information at very high speeds. They have the ability to run multiple operating systems, hold hundreds of software applications and support dozens of attached terminals. According to the Encyclopedia Of Networking and Telecommunications, mainframe computers house approximately 70 percent of the world's data.

Banks and Financial Institutions

Banking and financial institutions use mainframe computers to perform thousands of customer transactions per second, support thousands of applications that concurrently access multiple resources, manage and store terabytes of database information and handle large volumes of communication. For instance, banks use mainframes to host large, extensive databases of customer accounts and records, which can be easily accessed by any ATM nationally or worldwide. Examples of banking institutions that use mainframe computers are Deutsche Bank and HDFC Bank.

Health Care

Mainframe computers are used in health care organizations to improve productivity, maximize revenues and streamline information. According to Kenneth D. McClatchey, author of "Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Volume 2001," hospitals store patient information, process orders, clinical research, information on drugs and drug interactions, and critical life-saving information. Mainframe computers perform administrative functions, accounting functions, inventory control and report the result of laboratory tests. They computerize quality control, tracking, labeling, nursing information systems, provide diagnostic study reports, and electronically maintain large volumes of patient information. Mainframe computers provide easy access to medical knowledge, enhance productivity, improve completeness and quality of data and provide links to expert systems and knowledge bases.

Insurance Companies

Insurance companies store business data and other records on mainframe computers. The machines process large volumes of numerical data generated by insurance companies. They hold claims, financial and customer information and enable insurance personnel to strengthen relationships with customers. According to Ramesh Bangia, author of "Computer Fundamentals and Information Technology," mainframe computers process millions of policies in insurance companies.


Many schools and other educational institutions use centralized mainframe computers to store information pertaining to students, school courses and teachers. Localized terminals linked with a centralized mainframe "repository" allow authorized users to access the stored information. For example, students access software programs and files stored on the mainframe computer simultaneously using individual terminals.

Tags: large volumes, centralized mainframe, computers perform, computers used, information Mainframe, information Mainframe computers