Friday, June 22, 2012

Postop Care For Eye Surgery

Having eye surgery can be a scary prospect, but most eye surgery today is safe and requires little rehabilitation time. Lasik eye-correction surgery takes very little recovery time, while cataract surgery can take a little while longer. Knowing the correct after-care procedure will ensure that there is little in the way of complications.


Protect the eyes after surgery to prevent injury. Use eye drops and any medicine as prescribed by your doctor. Do not rub the eye that was operated on. If you wear glasses it is recommended that you use them to keep the eye working during this time. When washing the hair or face make sure not to get any soap into the eyes and to take car not to apply any pressure to closed eyes. When sleeping, tape an eye shield over the eye with non-allergenic tape to prevent pressure to the eye. Wear sunglasses when in bright light as your eyes may be sensitive after the surgery.


After the surgery certain actions may be limited. Some doctors suggest you can not lean over very often after eye surgery, while others say it is OK as long as you do not try to carry heavy objects. Do not lift anything over 25 pounds (10 kilos). Ask your doctor whether you should bend at the waist. During the first week after an operation, do only light housework to prevent strain. Do not participate in sexual activity until the third week after the operation, making sure not to strain the body until the sixth week. Drive a vehicle only if your doctor has approved it, as vision will likely be compromised.

Adding Drops to Your Eyes

Always wash your hands before applying eye drops to prevent contamination. Apply the drops by tilting your head back toward the ceiling. Pull the lower eyelid down and squeeze a drop of the eye drop solution into the exposed area of the lower eye lid. Release the lower eye lid and close the eye for 30 seconds to allow the eye drop to spread. If any excess solution escapes, dab at the solution lightly with a tissue to clean. Do not put any pressure onto the eye itself.

Tags: after surgery, your doctor, after operation, week after, week after operation