Monday, February 22, 2010

Cure Enlargement Of Men'S Breast

Cure Enlargement of Men's Breast

Male breast enlargement, or gynecomastia, is a condition characterized by fatty tissue in the breast area that gives the appearance of breasts. This condition is often related to obesity, but may also be due to an excess of estrogen, or deficiency of testosterone within the body. The disorder often causes embarrassment for those afflicted, due to the social stigma attached to the appearance of male breasts. However, there are several effective treatments and cures for enlarged male breasts.


1. Check your medications. Ask your doctor about side effects of any medications you are taking. Certain antibiotics, antidepressants, heart medicines and anti-anxiety medications can lead to enlarged male breasts.

2. Do not take steroids or human growth hormone. These can contribute to male breast enlargement. In addition, street drugs such as marijuana, heroin and amphetamines can lead to male breast development. Alcohol consumption has been found to be a contributing factor in some cases.

3. Have your hormone and thyroid levels checked. If there is an imbalance in either, treatment may relieve the condition. Try topical DHT (dihydrotestoterone) gel if the condition is fully developed. This gel is meant to increase testosterone levels. Have tests to rule out Klinefelters and Gilberts Syndromes. Both have been linked to enlarged breasts in males.

4. Take supplements that decrease body fat, like chromium picolinate, green tea extract, capsaicin and B-complex vitamins. These herbs help get rid of excess fat that contributes to enlarged breasts in men.

5. Exercise four or more times per week. Focus on weight-training exercises that focus on the chest area, such as presses and flies. Building underlying muscle will help increase your metabolism and burn fat.

6. Increase your consumption of healthy, low-fat foods such as greens, fruits and low-fat proteins. Eliminate breads, pastas, potatoes and processed foods. Losing weight will decrease the prominence of your male breasts.

7. Get body wraps to remove excess body weight and toxins. Get a body wrap once a week to promote skin tightening, which will lessen the appearance of male breasts.

8. Consider surgery. If you have tried alternate methods and the condition persists, talk to a plastic surgeon about your options. Generally, the surgery involves removing glandular and fatty breast tissue. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia and may involve extensive healing time.

Tags: male breasts, appearance male, appearance male breasts, breast enlargement, Cure Enlargement, Cure Enlargement Breast