Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stop Breastfeeding & Ease Breast Pain

Weaning that occurs gradually and with love will produce optimal results for mother and child.

Making the decision to wean your baby is fraught with complications, not the least of which is easing breast pain. Being prepared for weaning and taking the process slowly will help to make the transition smooth for you and your baby.


1. Decide if weaning your baby will be a gradual or abrupt process. This decision sometimes hinges on medical reasons, work issues or other personal factors. The La Leche League advises against abrupt weaning if it can be avoided as it results in engorgement of the breasts, unnecessary pain and can increase the risk for infection.

2. Reduce feeding by either taking away the least important daily feedings or by reducing each feeding by a few minutes. Weaning gradually reduces the amount of breast pain involved in the weaning process.

3. Providing a bottle or snack will reduce weaning anxiety for your baby.

Provide your baby with substitutes for usual feeding times such as a bottle, sippy cup or acceptable snack, depending on the age of your child. Acceptable snacks may include baby food, finger foods designed specifically for babies or diced or mashed vegetables or fruit.

4. If you are experiencing fever or chills while weaning you should call your doctor to check for infection.

Reduce breast pain by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever and using warm compresses or taking a hot shower. You can also express a little milk to reduce the pressure using either your hands or a breast pump.

5. Nursing is just one aspect of the relationship with your child.

Give your baby extra reassurance during this time of transition. Making sure your baby is happy will make stopping breastfeeding easier for you, too.

Tags: your baby, breast pain, infection Reduce, your child