Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fun And Easy Advertisement Promotions For Radio

Create fun and easy radio promotions for effective advertising.

Lighthearted, fun and easy advertisement promotions for radio keep listeners attention. Whether you are promoting a product or service, using unexpected twists on traditional radio spots or including a business owner can increase the appeal and effectiveness of your advertisements. The best fun and easy advertisement promotions for radio use humor and create a lasting impression on the radio audience.


Create an advertisement that uses a censored sound for comic effect. Combine a voice or tone that you would not equate with an explicative with a serious sounding message to create a lasting impression on your radio audience. For example, use a child's voice to say, "My Mommy said The Jewelry Mart is the [Bleep]. I don't know why she said that because she bought such pretty earrings at their half price sale." Catch your listeners off guard and you will create an advertisement that will create a buzz and extends your advertising reach. Censored advertisement promotions are most effective for mundane or routine products or services.


Use traditional audience participation methods like a call-in spot to craft a humorous advertisement. Consider a vampire call-in sadvertise a garlic health product or a call-in show for puppets. Get creative and tie an unusual group to a product promotion. For example, have a puppet call-in complaining about having a sore throat and use a strained puppet-type voice. Have the radio "host" suggest the promotional product as a cure. This type of promotion works best for products or services that can solve a problem.

Fake Public Service Announcement

Record a fake public service announcement using an official sounding voice. Instill humor so listeners know it is not a real announcement. The combination of an official sounding announcement with a light-hearted product makes a memorable radio spot. For example, provide a warning about a new piece of candy that is causing pandemonium among children. This type of promotion works best for consumable products.

Owner Participation

Have the business owner record her own advertisements. As opposed to a professional advertising voice, listeners will pay more attention to a less professional voice, which makes the spot more effective. Create copy that has a "down-home" feel, or features a personal invitation to the business. The goal is for the business owner to make a personal appeal that creates a connection with your listening audience. Owner participation promotions work best for products or services that are expensive, or where a high level of trust is needed.

Tags: business owner, products services, advertisement promotions, advertisement promotions radio, advertisement that