Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Day In The Life Of A District Nurse

District nurses are community-based.

District nursing is a nursing role specific to the United Kingdom, and district nurses work for the National Health Service (NHS). In the U.S., the health service is organized differently, with most nurses working in hospitals, clinics or within patients' homes. The role of district nurse is one that suits the nurse who prefers to work in the community rather than in a hospital or other clinical setting. It also suits the nurse who enjoys working in a more autonomous way and who enjoys the freedom of being out and about and driving for at least some of the day.

The Health Center

The district nurse in the UK begins her day by checking in at the health center. She will check overnight messages and deal with any urgent problems. The district nurse will discuss patients or problems with colleagues. The day's visits will be allocated between the team of district nurses.


The district nurse will prioritize her day, and morning visits may be planned around the urgency of a patient's needs or other considerations; for instance, hospital appointments. The district nurse will assess the condition of patients and administer any injections or specialized treatments. She may measure blood pressure and pulse rates. If required, she may also take blood samples. The district nurse will ensure that these samples are appropriately transported to the hospital.

Other Visits

The district nurse may need to order particular aids and equipment, such as specialized mattresses and beds. This may involve liaison with other departments, like occupational health. One of the features of the district nurse's life that is most distinct from her colleagues in the hospital is that she goes into the patients' homes. This often means that the relationship can be close and friendly (though still professional), but it may sometimes present difficulties. Occasionally, relatives may resent the presence of the nurse in the home.

Types of Patient

The district nurse may be involved in the care of people who are very ill, elderly or recovering from surgery. She may need to refer the patient to colleagues, should the nature of the patient's condition change. This may involve disruption to the day, and a rapid change of schedule, so she needs to be adaptable and able to use her initiative.

The Evening

The district nurse returns to the health center and completes any necessary paperwork. Details may need to be entered on the computer. This is a good time to catch up with colleagues and discuss issues that have arisen during the day. The district neurse may seek advice if she is unsure about the best course of action for a patient. She may also need to attend meetings, where more general issues like caseload management and changes to provision will be discussed.

Tags: district nurse, district nurse will, nurse will, district nurses, health center, patients homes, suits nurse