Sunday, February 23, 2014

Spinal Decompression Exercises

Spinal disks that move out of line often cause debilitating pain and/or numbness that can hamper sleep and interfere with work. Spinal decompression exercises may alleviate pain caused by vertebrae that have fallen out of alignment. Many spinal decompression exercises can be done at home alone without any equipment. There are also devices that aid in spinal decompression. Some techniques for decompressing the spine require the assistance of a therapist or doctor.


Spinal decompression may be needed after an injury or as a result of a degenerative illness, such as arthritis. Ruptured disks, an irritated or pinched nerve, and pain in the extremities also respond to spinal decompression. Spinal decompression also benefits chronic back pain or pain caused by a temporary strain.


Misaligned vertebrae can pinch nerves and may decrease the flow of blood and oxygen to the spinal column. Spinal decompression exercises realign the vertebrae. Thus, bulging discs are pulled back in line and the spaces between them are opened up.

At Home

Doing arm hangs from a pull-up bar can correct a simple misalignment. Floor exercises that stretch the spine may also alleviate back pain. The partial sit-up is an easy spinal decompression exercise for people with chronic back pain and limited mobility. Using a pillow to support the neck, lie faceup on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor. Hands extended, slowly roll head and shoulders up reaching for the knees. Do not come up any further than is comfortable. Increase the number of repetitions daily until 50 can be completed.


Equipment-aided spinal decompression exercises are preferred by some back pain sufferers. Inversion beds decompress the spine by hanging a person upside down. Back stretchers can be used on the floor to stretch the vertebrae into position. Passive exercise spinal decompression exercise machines work well for those who may not be able to do conventional exercises.


Severe back pain may require assisted spinal decompression exercises. Chiropractors decompress the spine through manipulation. Vax D uses a patented curved bed technique for spinal decompression.


Consult your personal physician before beginning any exercise program. Spinal decompression exercises work best when used as part of an ongoing program for spine health. Much back pain can be avoided or lessened by routinely doing spinal decompression exercises.

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