Monday, February 24, 2014

Transfer A Carbon Paper Tattoo To The Skin

Transfer your tattoo design using carbon paper

The choice to get a tattoo is a serious and permanent decision and should be well thought out before executed. To get the best idea of what your tattoo design would look like on your skin, draw the design beforehand on carbon transfer paper and transfer the design onto your skin. You will get a good idea of what the tattoo would look like on your skin if it were permanent.


1. Draw your design on a sheet of white paper.

2. Place a sheet of tracing paper on a flat surface.

3. Place a piece of carbon paper with the carbon side facing down on top of the tracing paper.

4. Place the paper with your design on top of the carbon paper.

5. Trace over the design, pressing firmly. The design will transfer through the carbon paper to the tracing paper.

6. Cut around the design on the tracing paper.

7. Moisten the area on your skin where you will apply the design using a small amount of water or glycerine-based deodorant.

8. Press the carbon side of the tracing paper design onto the moistened skin. Press down firmly with your fingers and hand to ensure that the design transfers completely.

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