Monday, May 21, 2012

Reasons For Breast Tenderness

Most women have had pain in their breasts at one time or another. For some, it is a frequent occurrence. Breast tenderness can be caused by many things and the majority of the time the reason is nothing to worry about.


A change in hormone levels from puberty, menopause or during a woman's monthly cycle is often the reason for breast tenderness.


An injury to the breast or the muscles around the breast is a reason for tenderness. Bruising in that area can happen easily and be very painful.


Redness, swelling or discharge in addition to tenderness can indicate a breast infection. An infection will need antibiotics to clear up so a doctor's visit is necessary.

Fibrocystic Breast Changes

Fibrocystic breast changes is a condition that causes bumps and lumps to appear on the breast. The condition is benign (non-cancerous), but it causes tender breasts.


Women will usually have breast tenderness with pregnancy. This is more prevalent in the first trimester.


While malignant tumors are rarely the cause of breast pain, a lump should not be ignored. It should be brought to the attention of a physician as soon as it is found.
