Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What Are Breast Lumps Made Of

Different types of lumps may appear in the breast, and 80 percent are benign, or noncancerous, according to Each type of breast lump has different characteristics and a different composition.

Fibrocystic Changes

Sometimes, fluctuating levels of hormones can cause changes in women's breasts around the time of their menstrual cycle. Milk ducts and tissues can grow and form hard lumps that are cysts.

Simple Cysts

Simple cysts are lumps that are full of fluid. These cysts can vary in size and may occur in both breasts.


These are the most common benign lumps found in female breasts. They are solid and rubbery, and they are formed from excess milk glands and breast tissue, according to

Fat Necrosis

These lumps are caused by cell death, usually due to an injury to the breast. These firm and round lumps are formed from fat accumulation after the injury.


Macrocalcifications are big deposits of calcium and are noncancerous. Microcalcifications are small pieces of calcium and are considered more worrisome than macrocalifications, according to MedlinePlus.

Intraductal Papillomas

These lumps are growths that resemble warts. They are present in the milk duct and can cause discharge from the nipple, states MedlinePlus.

Tags: according WebMD, formed from, lumps that, These lumps