Monday, May 21, 2012

The Advantages Of Employee Wellness In The Workplace

The health of your employees affects your company's bottom line. An employee wellness program can help promote a happier and more satisfying work environment. Employee wellness programs may such things as gym membership reimbursement, exercise opportunities, lunchtime presentations, counseling sessions, health insurance and weight-loss competitions. When your employees feel better, they perform better and are less likely to give out on the job.

Reduced Absenteeism

Employees who feel well are less likely to take time off for illness. With reduced rates of absenteeism caused by stress-induced illness, your employees can contribute more to the organization. They can attend important meetings, saving time for other employees who would otherwise recap the details to the absent employee. When an employee takes time off for illness, the workload of other employees goes up, increasing the overall stress level at your office and possibly causing resentment. Encouraging health lets employees know that you care about their well-being; at the same time, the rate of illness is reduced.


Healthy employees have higher energy levels and can get more accomplished during the day. Increased productivity means a bigger return on your company's investment in its employees. Stress and illness are linked to reduced productivity. When employees are stressed, they may have more difficulty concentrating because of headaches or anxiety. When employees are ill, they spend more time concentrating on their aches and pains than contributing to your organization. By encouraging healthy habits, including taking vacations and eating well, you can help employee to work effectively and efficiently.

Reduced Health Care Costs

Employee wellness can lower your company's costs for health care. Stress is a major cause of physician visits. As many as 90 percent of doctor visits are for illnesses related to stress, according to Dr. Mehmet Oz of "The Dr. Oz Show." Chronic stress can cause problems that lead to doctor visits, including an impaired immune system, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, fatigue and increased disease risk. By encouraging employees to reduce their stress levels, you can reduce the number of doctor visits and keep health care costs down.

Increased Retention Rates

If you encourage employee health, they will want to stay with your organization. An employee who is constantly ill because he is not taking care of himself may look for another job that encourages wellness. The perks provided by wellness programs might keep an employee with your organization longer. Employees may enjoy the convenience of an on-site fitness facility or the benefit of a discounted membership to an outside gym. Exercise reduces employees' stress levels and keeps them happier. Health insurance is another factor that encourages employees to stay with an organization.

Tags: doctor visits, your company, your employees, your organization, Employee wellness, health care, less likely