Monday, March 26, 2012

Breast Cancer Myths

Many myths pertaining to breast cancer are floating around. Some of the truths and untruths about breast cancer are hard to discern because of conflicting reports. Some myths have enough fact to them to make them seem true.


Myth: Only women with a family history of breast cancer will get breast cancer.

Fact: According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), 70 to 80 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease.


Myth: Being overweight does not mean you are at greater risk for breast cancer.

Fact: According to a study at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center, depending on when in life weight is gained, an overweight woman's chances of getting breast cancer can be up to triple that of a woman who is within a healthy weight range.


Myth: Women with smaller breasts are diagnosed with breast cancer less.

Fact: There is no connection between breast cancer and breast size.


Myth: "I'm too young to have breast cancer."

Fact: According to the University of Michigan, 25 percent of women diagnosed are under the age of 50.

Fatality Rate

Myth: Breast cancer will kill you.

Fact: ACS states that the ten-year survival rate is as high as 80 percent.


Myth: Breast cancer can be prevented with diet.

Fact: Although what you eat can play a role in the development of cancer, there is not a specific food or vitamin that will prevent or cause cancer.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer Fact, cancer Fact, cancer Fact According