Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ideas For An Exercise Health Fair

A successful exercise health fair inspires adults to choose a more active lifestyle for themselves and their families. Having a variety of ideas and choices at a health fair is important for reaching the widest audience.

Trainers Help Motivate

Engage participants by having trainers available for demonstrations and consultations. Have high-quality, trainer-created DVDs--geared to different fitness levels--available for purchase. An adult who works out in a gym's weight room, for example, may benefit from an aerobics DVD different from one that's geared to an exercise newcomer.

People Like Choices

Include a variety of exercise equipment. Have demonstrations of the use of stretching bands, exercise balls and cutting-edge equipment. Feature running shoes and exercise clothing to jazz up the event.

Exhibits and Sponsors

Exhibitors that show products or gadgets--such as new exercise shoes or water bottles--help people want to learn more. You'll want your fair to trigger conversation and interaction between attendees and exhibitors. Sponsors can offer raffles and door prizes, such as trial gym memberships.


Provide leaflets listing quality exercise websites. Encourage participants to continue their fitness education. Sponsors can develop ongoing relationships with attendees via websites.

Use Pictures to Inspire

Your event should feature "before" and "after" pictures of how exercise improved bodies. To motivate people to lift weights, join an aerobics class or buy home exercise equipment, show them inspiring photos of great outcomes for real people.

Demonstrate Health from Exercise

Provide information that shows how exercise affects health. Have a booth with statistics on such topics as exercise's effects on longevity or improved blood cholesterol levels. Encourage attendees to dedicate themselves to an exercise routine.

Tags: exercise equipment, health fair