Friday, August 17, 2012

Take Advantage Of Those Taking Advantage Of You

Whether in business or personal life, it stings when you feel that someone's taking advantage of you. However, there must be give and take in every relationship, so turn the tables on a user and take advantage of the goods and services they can offer.


1. Keep a journal that details all of your ex-spouse's unreasonable demands. Even if you must cave in to these demands initially, you can use them as a basis to argue for more custody or money later.

2. Exploit your date's money or beauty to your advantage. If he's treating you like a star in his vast constellation, demand the finest restaurant in town. If she's milking your bank account dry, insist she show off that new wardrobe as your accessory at every boring business function you attend.

3. Assign an adult child living in the home the bulk of your cooking and housework duties. You're doing Junior a disservice if you don't arm him with some life management skills before he belatedly flies the coop.

4. Turn a using friend into your personal gofer. She basks in your popularity by networking with your powerful friends and getting into the hottest clubs, but she must pay by standing in line for you at the cafe and carrying your heavy shopping bags.

5. Take advantage of every benefit your employer offers. You put in your time for that paycheck every month, but your employer is still coming out ahead if you don't sign up for tuition reimbursement, flexible spending account and 401K employer matching.

6. Cross train your employees for other tasks. If business is slow, your employees may have several hours of idle time each week. Don't let those become extended water cooler breaks; teach employees use the phone system or complete paperwork.

Tags: your employees, your employer