Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Write An Opinion Column

Opinion column writing can be a good way to influence public policy.

Angry at your city council's decision to raise taxes? Or eager to give your two cents about an important, upcoming vote in Congress or your state legislature? Writing an opinion column for your local newspaper or favorite news magazine is a good way to express your views and possibly help shape the public discourse. Space usually is at a premium in most publications, so you have to state your opinion in a tightly written, forceful manner that is supported by facts.


1. Choose a timely topic that has at least two sides, and read as much as you can about that issue to understand all sides of the debate. Begin the column by stating the premise of your opinion somewhere within the first two or three sentences of the piece.

2. Weave in facts that back up your opinion, such as pertinent statistics, academic studies, quotes or polling results. Avoid simply explaining an issue because that is what a news story is supposed to do, rather than a column expressing an opinion.

3. Include arguments from opponents and rebut their points with persuasive facts. Compose an ending, after no more than 600 words, that ties back to the point and to specific references that you made early in the column.

4. Gather the name, mailing address or email account, of where to send your column. Submit the column and follow up with a phone call to make sure your submission was received, although be aware that some editors simply cannot respond to the volume of outside work they receive in a timely manner.

Tags: your opinion