Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Breast Enhancement Complications

There are medical risks associated with breast augmentation.

In the year 2008 alone, more than 300,000 women and teenage girls underwent breast augmentation surgery in the United States. That number has more than tripled since 1997, according to health-related website Our Bodies, Ourselves. Not everyone is going under the knife for the first time; some women are replacing old implants that have broken or otherwise caused them problems. Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation is not without risks.


There is a risk of infection following breast augmentation surgery. Symptoms include fever, tenderness, swelling and inflammation. Antibiotics are the first course of action, but if the infection does not respond to the medication, the breast implants may be removed until the infection has cleared up.

Bottoming Out

Bottoming out can occur whether smooth, textured, silicone gel or saline implants were used. Bottoming out is when the breast implants have descended too low on the chest. In relation to the sinking breasts, the nipples appear to be too high on the breast mound. Bottoming out must be surgically repaired.


Symmastia sometimes occurs due to a surgeon's intention to create cleavage. The condition is sometimes referred to as a "uniboob," due to the way the implants meet in the middle of the chest. Symmastia is more prevalent among thin women, due primarily to the fact that they usually have less tissue covering the sternum. The condition must be surgically repaired.


Implant manufacturers readily admit that breast implants don't last forever. They can rupture or deflate for any number of reasons, including normal wear and tear. Ruptures can occur at any time but are more likely to happen after the implants have been in for several years.


Nipple sensitivity can be affected by breast augmentation. The nipple may become overly sensitive or lose sensitivity. This change in sensation may be temporary or permanent. Sexual response and comfort during nursing may be affected by the change.


Small amounts of silicone compound and platinum have been found to bleed through an intact implant shell and into the body. A number of lawsuits have been filed over the years, and a debate still rages as to whether these leaks are associated with physical illnesses.


Hematomas occur when blood pools in the surgical area and becomes trapped in the tissue of the skin.

The pooling blood forms a mass that can be painful. While hematomas generally resolve without surgical intervention, they sometimes require drainage.

Mammogram Interference

Implants can interfere with the detection of early breast cancer, as they can hide suspicious lesions during an exam. It is also possible for a breast implant to rupture during a mammogram due to being compressed. A woman with breast implants should seek a mammography technician who is experienced in performing mammography on patients with implants.

Tags: breast augmentation, breast implants, have been, associated with, augmentation surgery, breast augmentation surgery, implants have