Monday, April 1, 2013

Xray Technician Programs Nearest Sacramento California

X-ray technicians are usually in high demand.

X-ray technician training takes place at schools that have programs in radiologic technology. If you reside in the Sacramento area and are interested in pursuing a career as an X-ray technician, enrolling in a program is the first step. While there are no schools offering programs in radiologic technology in Sacramento as of 2010, there are several programs within commuting distance.

Yuba College

Yuba College is 44 miles from Sacramento, in Marysville. The radiologic tech program lasts for two years and consists of both classroom training and an internship at a clinical affiliate. Applicants must be 18 or older and present proof of high school graduation or GED. Upon admission, students need to pass a drug and background screening. Students must attend full time. Graduates of the program receive an associate degree in radiologic technology and qualify to take the certification exam, which enables them to seek employment as x-ray technicians.

Yuba College

2088 North Beale Road

Marysville, CA 95901


San Joaquin Delta College

San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, 49 miles from Sacramento, offers a program in radiologic technology in partnership with San Joaquin General Hospital. The program lasts for two years and all classroom instruction takes place on the hospital grounds. Required clinical instruction takes place at one of four sites. Graduates of the program earn a certificate and are eligible to complete the state and national certification exams that qualify them for work. Students can also earn an Associate of Arts degree if they do additional coursework at Delta College.

San Joaquin Delta College

San Joaquin General Hospital

School of Radiologic Technology

P.O. Box 1020

Stockton, CA 95201


Kaiser Permanente School of Allied Health Sciences

Kaiser Permanente School of Allied Health Sciences lies 73 miles from Sacramento in Richmond. The radiography program lasts for eight quarters over a period of 24 months. Students participate in clinical and classroom instruction. Before applying to the program, applicants must meet prerequisite class requirements in several subjects and meet all physical requirements. Graduates qualify to take all state and national certification exams.

Kaiser Permanente School of Allied Health Sciences

938 Marina Way South

Richmond, CA 94804


Tags: Delta College, Allied Health, Allied Health Sciences, College Joaquin, Delta College Joaquin, from Sacramento