Thursday, April 18, 2013

Write Up A School Radio Announcement

School radio announcements should be crafted carefully to be effective.

An effective school radio announcement should communicate the most relevant information using as few words as possible in a short period of time. The communication goal is to remain in the minds of the listeners while grabbing their immediate attention. It's a tall order that, with the right planning, can be risen to. A good school radio announcement will result in high rewards and a captive audience.


1. Write down all of the highlights that must be covered in the announcement. Begin with the most important. For example, if the announcement covers football game results, jot down the winning team, competing team, final points, important plays and winning game moves.

2. Rank-order the information so that the most important, gripping details are mentioned first. Game results, for example, with winners should be named first. Event names followed by organization or affiliation would follow.

3. Be sure that everything covered is 100 percent accurate. If statistics are stated, find out where they came from and include the source. If a claim is being made, make sure the claim is accurate and can be backed up. Radio announcements have a wide audience reach, and if something is inaccurate it will be found out quickly and affect the announcer's or the school's credibility.

4. Time the message so that it is no more than 15 to 20 seconds in length, or roughly 45 to 60 words. Be sure that each sentence is stated clearly and succinctly using as few words as possible to communicate the most important, relevant information.

5. Practice reading the announcement several times aloud before committing it to final form. Read it into a recording device and play it back for accuracy, time it and be sure the words flow.

6. Save the announcement in an audio file prior to sending it off. Sometimes links and audio can become corrupted if sent over the internet -- a back-up will offer protection from this. Use an ftp server to send if it is too large to send using your internet connection.

Tags: most important, communicate most, radio announcement, relevant information, sure that, using words