Friday, October 26, 2012

Exercises To Lose Man Breasts

You can lose those embarrassing "man breasts" by performing a few simple exercises daily.

If you suffer from the condition laughingly referred to as "man breasts," you can improve your muscle tone with exercise. You won't have to spend months in a gym to re-buff your appearance--just a few simple exercises every day will help to strengthen your chest muscles and eliminate the flab that gives you that embarrassing cleavage.


One of the best ways to improve the tone in your chest muscles is to do a series of push-ups every day. Lie on the ground face-down and use your forearms to push up into a plow position, keeping your back straight and your toes on the floor as support. Do the push-up slowly and hold your position for a few seconds before lowering yourself back to just above the ground. Push up again without ever allowing your body to lower completely to the ground. Do this as many times as you are able, rest for a few minutes, then start another set of repetitions. When you feel that you are straining or your arm muscles are too tired, stop. Repeat the push-ups throughout the day whenever you feel up to it. If you suffer from lower back problems, try doing the push-ups from your knees, being careful to keep your knees together as you lift.

Bench Press

If you have access to a bench press, choose weights that you can lift easily, and lie on your back as you press the bar upward slowly before lowering it back to your chest. Do six to eight reps several times a day to improve your chest muscle tone and strengthen your upper arms.

If you do not have access to a bench press, lie on your back and lift free weights six to eight times in a row, or find something that you are able to lift that has an even distribution of weight and is just heavy enough to build the muscles but not heavy enough to strain your arms or back.

Free Weights

Using weights that you can lift easily, do a series of curl repetitions, starting with the weights held in front of your body at chest height, and slowly raising the weights until they are just beneath your chin. After you hold the weights under your chin for three seconds, slowly lower them back to the level of your chest. Repeat this exercise five or six times several times a day to see quick improvement in your chest tone.


Because "man breasts" are caused by excess fat in the chest area, any type of aerobic or cardio workout will help to improve the condition and reduce the amount of fat stored in your body. Walking briskly for 20 to 40 minutes a day on a treadmill or around the neighborhood will help you to lose excess fat and improve your overall muscle tone. It also will increase your overall stamina and make it easier for you to accomplish other types of exercise.

Tags: your chest, improve your, muscle tone, will help, your back, your body