Monday, October 29, 2012

What Are The Signs Of A Midlife Crisis In Men

Midlife hormonal changes may leave men feeling adrift in their careers or in relationships.

A midlife crisis is a time of life transition. The transition is termed a "crisis" in popular culture because symptoms of the transition can reveal themselves as abrupt changes. In men, a midlife crisis stereotypically manifests itself with a flashy car, a radical change in career or a younger girlfriend. However, less conspicuous signs include loss of libido, disrupted sleep, emotional change and shifts in physical appearance.

Loss of Libido

Midlife hormonal changes can begin between age 30 and 50. Loss of libido, including inability to obtain or hold an erection, may accompany declining testosterone levels in men. Though such hormonal changes may be natural, men who notice a decreased sex drive can consult a physician for hormonal replacement therapy to address loss of testosterone levels.

Sleep Disruption

Changes in sleep patterns, particularly changes that lead to loss of sleep, can disrupt a man's ability to focus at work and find satisfaction in his home life. Disrupted sleeping patterns may also increase life-related stress. Some men may react to these conditions by making radical changes in their lives. However, it's best to seek a doctor's advice before reacting to these circumstances. Fitful sleep or insomnia are symptoms of declining testosterone levels. Seek advice from a physician on treatments to make these changes more comfortable.

Emotional Changes

Irritability, sadness without reason and lethargy are common emotional changes associated with midlife transition. These feelings may be related to hormonal changes, as well as general feelings of sadness related to growing older. In cultures that prize youth culture, growing older may foster feelings of dismay, worthlessness and disconnection from society in some men. Men who experience irritability, sadness without reason and lethargy should speak with a physician and therapist to identify whether midlife transition is the cause.

Shifts in Physical Appearance

Middle-age men may notice increased weight gain related to midlife transition. The weight gain may be related to decreased testosterone levels and, thereby, associated with loss of libido. Weight gain may also be attributed to emotional changes that result in a loss of interest in physical exercise. Stress resulting from loss of sleep may also cause body weight gain in the abdominal area. Other physical changes can include bone density loss, pectoral sensitivity and loss of muscle bulk.

Tags: hormonal changes, testosterone levels, midlife transition, associated with, changes that, declining testosterone