Thursday, October 11, 2012

Health Insurance Plans For Pre Existing Conditions

Health insurance plans often exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Most health insurers have strict guidelines regarding coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. Many exclude the health condition or have waiting periods before the condition is covered by the policy. Although choices are limited, individuals with pre-existing conditions have options for obtaining health insurance.

Federal Health Plan

The Affordable Care Act has enabled individuals with pre-existing conditions to obtain health insurance through the federal Pre-Existing Condition Health Plan. The plan provides all levels of care, including hospital care, prescription drug coverage as well as treatment for existing health conditions. The plan is administered either by the state or federal health and human services department.

Limited Indemnity Plans

Limited indemnity plans cover individuals with pre-existing conditions and do not request physicals or medical history. According to Core Health Insurance, the plans are designed to help with "basic medical needs such as physician office/wellness visits, X-ray, laboratory test, hospital, surgery.


According to the Affordable Care Act, by the year 2014, all health insurance providers will be prohibited from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. Health insurers will also not be allowed to categorize plan participants because of gender. Further, rate increases because of pre-existing conditions will be forbidden.

Tags: pre-existing conditions, with pre-existing, with pre-existing conditions, individuals with, individuals with pre-existing, Affordable Care, coverage people