Friday, October 26, 2012

Use Twitter

Around the Internet, people are talking about twittering. is a social networking site that serves as a wonderful way to connect with others and follow updates. Twitter can be accessed with mobile devices for quick posts and updates are limited to 140 characters. Updates can be links, personal stories, comments or replies to other Twitter updates.


1. Go to the Twitter website and register as a new user. Select a user name that is distinctive but easy to remember.

2. Upload a photo or graphic to Twitter or select an avatar provided by Twitter.

3. Add your blog or website to Twitter. This will be displayed on your profile page.

4. Click on "Public Timeline" and view the most recent entries. Select the entries or people that you'd like to follow. Click on the Twitter names and select "follow" to add those to your "Following" list. Updates from each person will be posted to your account.

5. Post a Twitter update by typing no more than 140 characters in the Twitter posting space under "What Are You Doing?" Hit "Update" when you are ready to post.

6. Check to see who is following you in the "Followers" section. Add interesting "Followers" to your "Follow" list.

7. Select various ways to Twitter. One can Twitter via computer, phone or Instant Messenger. Mobile Twittering is a great way to post updates when you can't get to a computer.
