Sunday, March 2, 2014

Use A Pullmax

The Pullmax machine sheers sheet metal.

The Pullmax is a machine that is used to sheer sheet metal. It can cut circles and straight cuts with laser or water jet cutters, depending on the type of Pullmax machine you have. The Pullmax has two dies that pound the top and bottom of the sheet metal. Different dies are used to create different designs. The Pullmax, which was primarily used for sheeting sheet metal, can now produce all sorts of shapes and designs with the help of assorted dies.


1. Choose the dies that you want to use. You can use doming dies to create compound shapes for thicker metals, such as needed for the end of air tanks or pressure tanks; thumbnail dies for creating edges on sheet metal; metal shaper dies that are used for forming beads and shapes in metal; and nibbler dies for sheering sheet metal. Choose the beading dies to create beads.

2. Insert the dies by threading them into the die holder. The die holders are the small, cylindrical metal pieces on the Pullmax, usually located below the lever. Make sure the die pieces are fully threaded.

3. Insert the sheet metal between the two dies. There will be enough room to push the sheet metal area all the way into the machine so that it's not balancing itself or hanging from the Pullmax. The Pullmax creates precise incisions into the sheet metal, so align the area carefully between the die holders.

4. Pull the lever on the top of the Pullmax machine to engage the dies. The dies will pound the sheet metal. Depending on the type of dies you used, continue to engage and pull the lever until you produce the desired results.

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